Urgent: Immediate Action Needed. - Kaptiv8

Urgent: Immediate Action Needed.

When one of our non-profit contacts reached out with an urgent request – to design and build a simple website in support of Children Vs. Climate Crisis in advance of a key meeting at the United Nations – in two weeks time – we couldn’t pass up the chance.

We began in typical fashion, meeting with the team to understand their goals, requirements, and avialable assets. From there, with the clock ticking, we created a ‘wireframe’ to outline our suggested layout approach, and developed it into a homepage concept once approved. To highlight each kid, we opted to feature the portraits of each crusader prominently, linking them to overlay popups containing their stories.

To show the diversity of nations represented, we suggested a simple, colorful map highlighting each participant’s home country.

There were sure to be questions, so we built a simple vehicle for displaying FAQs. The final result was a simple, elegant site, which was launched as requested at exactly 11am on September 23, 2019 just as the event was getting underway.

Visit The Children vs. Climate Crisis Website